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Goa Agri Initiative- GAIN

Goa Agri Initiative- GAIN was launched in 2012 as an initiative of Zuari Agro Chemicals Limited to provide a platform for knowledge and resource sharing on farm advisory, which promotes adoption and replication of innovative and improved farming practices. GAIN has partnered with Goa Government, ICAR, KVKs and farmers of the region, and has been dedicatedly working towards increasing the income of farmers and increase the cultivation yield. Agriculture in Goa provides livelihood support to nearly 12% of the state’s over 1.5 million population. Unique situation specific Agri-development model adopted under GAIN is designed to evolve farming as a consistent source of income. Further emphasis is made towards farmers’ involvement in identification and finding solutions to address the gaps between technology and agriculture.

Innovative Farming Model:

Improved Practices Demostration :- A model for small land holders